Help STOP Backyard Gas Stations in The Hudson Valley and let your voice be heard!



Red Wing is proposing a gas station near the Landmark Grill and Casa Amigos on Rt. 82.  There are hundreds of residents within a mile, and the last thing we need with all the existing gas stations in the area is another service station filling our roads with cars and trucks.


We created this website to keep community members informed and ask for YOUR HELP!

  1. Sign the letter to Public Officials by filling out the form below & please SHARE to encourage others to sign!
  2. Follow Us on Facebook – Please share & comment to help amplify our concerns.

Please join your LaGrange neighbors in speaking up to stop this gas station from intruding upon our neighborhood and roads. This gas station proposal is not needed in an area with plenty of places to get gas. Please spread the word!


  • Dear Local Officials,

    Please consider my strong opposition to the Red Wing gas station project on Rt. 82. We don’t need the fumes, the traffic, the spills and more gas stations in a town with plenty of places to fill our tanks!

  • *By filling out the form above & clicking submit, I hereby acknowledge that the letter displayed will be submitted to the Town of LaGrange on my behalf.